For most of us things may have physically slowed down but some
how our minds are still busy, busy, busy! The mind is like a filing
cabinet full of messy diaries that is full of everything you’ve done
already and dreams of things you want to do. Can you imagine how
full that cabinet would be!? Writing down your daily tasks/goals
should be integral part of the morning or night before as it assists
us to be fully present and actually enjoy the moments we
experience as they happen.

Use the moments before you close your eyes at night to unwind
from all you have been exposed to that day. Start by thinking of all
the things you are grateful for. It’s also okay to acknowledge
negative feelings but try not to allow them to stop you doing the
small habits that will improve your mood like preparing a healthy
meal that will help nourish you physically and mentally (note to
myself!), being kind to those you love, or going for a short walk.
Time out for yourself should be a daily habit even if it is only 10
minutes, try to be fully present in that 10 minutes.